Wanton loverboy, Kalevala cantos 11-15

Title: Wanton loverboy, Kalevala cantos 11-15
Authors: Bosley, Keith (Translator)
Product number: 9517173946
Product form: Paperback
Availability: Delivery in 1-3 workdays
Price: 9,00 € (8,18 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: SKS Kirjat
Series: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 416
Edition: 1985
Language: Finnish
Pages: 80
Product family: Folklore and Folkloristics
Kalevala and Kanteletar
Finnish library classification: 81.4 Kansaneepokset
The Kalevala the Finnish national epic compiled by Elias Lönnrot in 1835/1849 consists of thousands of fragments assembled into a continuous narrative. The section translated here, cantos 11 - 15 of fifty in all, forms about one-tenth of the epic. In introduces Lemminkäinen, the 'wanton Loverboy', alias Ahti the Islander, alias Farmind. Of the Kalevala characters he is the most vividly portrayed, a young man who plays fast and loose with women and with men who get in his way. His clutch of names points to a composite figure based on a number of characters in Finnish myth.

Ahti poika Saarelainen, tuo on lieto Lemmin poika. Tuo on lieto Lemminkäinen, itse kaunis Kaukomieli. Lemminkäisen kiihkeä tarina, joka ihastuttaa myös englanniksi.